Water Journeys--Drink! Campers at Kaposia Landing |
Water Journeys-Rain! Campers at the Native American Medicine Garden |
The Water Journey's - Rain! and Water Journeys-Drink! Camps are complete for 2018. You can get a glimpse into the campers' adventures by by viewing the campers' story in the GIS Story Maps for each week (see other website tabs), looking at prior blog posts on this website, and by visiting the
exhibit at Institute on the Environment this summer.
Parents, please note that the two featured photos from your campers are included the GIS Story Maps and exhibit, and the rest of their journey photos will be posted under the Images tab on this website in July.
Thank you to our wonderful campers this year! You were all a joy to spend time with, as we explored water together and its connections to the Mississippi River. Your pictures, artwork, stewardship planting, and story help inspire others to follow your lead to care for water and learn its hidden stories.
And thank you to our wonderful team: the camp counselors, Madeline Harpell, 2018 Lead Teacher, and camp team: Jess Foor, Najma Ali, and Vu Dang. A very special thank you to our tour guide partners, essential to the camp experience: Cathy Abene, Principal Civil Engineer for University of Minnesota, with additional thanks to Madeline and Shawn from her team; Abby Olson, Park Ranger, National Park Service, Rena Weis, Environmental Engineer Intern, from Wenck, educating on behalf of the
West Mississippi Watershed Management Commission; Jodi Wallin, Alex Rossow, and Jeremy Erikson from
St. Paul Regional Water Services; and Nick Voss, Education and Outreach Coordinator, from
Vadnais Lake Area Water Management Organization.
Finally, thank you to Camp Program Coordinator, Venessa Fiedler,
University of Minnesota Recreation & Wellness Summer Youth Program, to
Institute on the Environment Sustainability Education Group, for hosting the camp and additional camp support, and to Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund which development of the camp possible.
Jonee Kulman Brigham and Beth Mercer-Taylor, Camp Coordinators
Initial Funding for developing this project and implementing it in 2016
was provided by the Minnesota
Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by the
Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR). The Trust
Fund is a permanent fund constitutionally established by the citizens
of Minnesota to assist in the protection, conservation, preservation,
and enhancement of the state's air, water, land, fish, wildlife, and
other natural resources.