Grant Materials

Mississippi River Water Journey Camps are led by Institute on the Environment with a collaborative team and partners. Funding for developing this project and implementing it in 2016 was provided by the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR). A number of resources and reports were produced as part of this grant click the links below to view each item.

(This) Mississippi River Water Journey Camps Website:
This website contains :
·         Home page with blog posts describing the activities of each camp day with pictures. This serves as a reference for interested educators, as well as a way to engage parents throughout the camps.  The web page serves camps into the future too, and the most recent blog posts are about the most recent camps, after the grant period.The blog posts also include profiles of camp partners, and announcements of presentations involving the camp.
·         About&Video page: background on the camps, and the ENRTF funding and includes video that illustrates the content and concepts of the grants, showing excerpts of camps in progress, as well as staff interviews.
·         Rain Story Map page that describes Rain camp and links to the GIS story map that uses student photos and words to tell the story of the students exploration of the stormwater flowing through the storm drain at their camp and its journey to the Mississippi River.
·         Drink Story Map page that describes Drink Camp and links to the GIS story map that uses student photos and words to tell the story of the students exploration of the drinking water and sanitary sewer  upstream and downstream of the drinking fountain at their camp and how they are connected upstream and downstream to the Mississippi River.
·         Exhibit Page that provides information about the public art-science exhibit about the camps.
·         Acknowledgements Page, which lists the substantial collaborators, and also serves to show educators the types of partners they should consider if they implement this on their own.
·         Learn & Act page that suggests ideas and links for educators and the public to learn about their own water systems and take action to protect water.
·         Images page which is mostly for the campers and their families to download camper photos, but may be of interest to others who want to see the full set of camper photos and artwork, beyond what campers selected to include in their story maps.

A Video: Link

A Toolkit Guidance Document (and toolkit described within) to run future camps and as a resource.

An Evaluation Report

An Abstract (MS Word)
An Abstract (PDF)

A Project Visual
A Project Visual (Grid Version)

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