Initial Funding for developing this project and implementing it in 2016 was provided by the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR). The Trust Fund is a permanent fund constitutionally established by the citizens of Minnesota to assist in the protection, conservation, preservation, and enhancement of the state's air, water, land, fish, wildlife, and other natural resources.
Development Team
Mississippi River Water Journey Camps is led by the University of Minnesota Institute on the Environment with a team of partners and supporters.
Principal Investigator: Beth Mercer-Taylor, Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota
Lead Researcher, Concept Design, Annual Camp Coordination: Jonee Kulman Brigham, Senior Research Fellow, Minnesota Design Center and Fellow Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota, Creator, Earth Systems Journey Model (basis for camp design used by permission).
U of M Camp Program Coordinator: Venessa Fiedler, University of Minnesota Recreation & Wellness Summer Youth Program
Annual Teaching and Support Teams
2019 Lead Teacher: Ritah Kagezi
2019 Co-Teacher: Jonee Kulman Brigham
2019 Camp Team Support: Kaitlyn Wilson, Mai Nhia Her, Darling Vang, Por Ge Her, Sabrina Vang, Max Willis, and the Youth Rec Camp Counselors.
2018 Lead Teacher: Madeline Harpell
2018 Co-Teacher: Jonee Kulman Brigham
2018 Camp Team Support: Jess Foor (creator of camp logo! and camper photography support), Najma Ali, (most of the staff photos), Vu Dang, and the Youth Rec Camp Counselors.
2017 Lead Teacher and Environmental Science: Kit Mercer-Taylor
2017 Co-Teacher: Jonee Kulman Brigham
2017 Activities Planning and Development Support: Lauren Schultz, Andreas Fenner, Gerald Aulandez
2016 Lead Teacher and Activities Designer: Kate Flick, Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota
2016 Co-Teacher and Map Art Leader: Rebecca Barney, Research Assistant, U-Spatial, University of Minnesota
2016 Camp Staff/Teacher: Katie Mercer-Taylor, Cameras, Water Testing, and more
2016 Additional Development Team Members:
GIS Integration: Len Kne, U-Spatial Associate Director and Rebecca Barney, Research Assistant, U-Spatial, University of Minnesota
Video Direction and Production: Audrey Robinson Favorito, Wild Carrot Productions, with Jimmy Morrissey, Videographer
NOTES: Side photos do not align with listings. Highlighted team member names link to interviews.) |
Partners, Support, and Tour Guides
The camps would not be possible without support from our partners and tour guides - Thank you!University of Minnesota:
Stacey White, Sustainability Coordinator, University Operations
Cathy Abene, Principal Civil Engineer, Facilities Management
(with thanks also to Madeline and Shawn)
Dan Doyle
Don Filiowich, Energy Management
Shane Stennes, Director of Sustainability
Daniel Sward, GIS Senior Analyst
Les Potts, Director of Landcare
David Moeller, Assistant Professor, College of Biological Sciences
Kimberly Long, IonE, Events Coordinator
Capitol Region Watershed District (2016):
Lindsay Schwantes, Community Outreach Coordinator
Britta Suppes, Monitoring Coordinator
Gustavo Castro, Water Resource Specialist
Joe Sellner, Water Resource Technician
U.S. National Park Service (multi years):
Brian Goodspeed, Park Ranger (2016)
Karen Katz, Park Ranger (2017)
Abby Olson, Park Ranger (2018)
West Mississippi Watershed Management Commission:
Susan Nelson, Environmental Scientist/Botanist (Wenck) (2016)
Sarah Nalven, Environmental Scientist (Wenck) (2017,19)
Rena Weis, Environmental Engineer Intern (Wenck) (2018,19)
St. Paul Regional Water Services:
Justine Roe, Water Quality Specialist
Jodi Wallin, Public Information Officer
Alex Rossow, Water Quality Specialist
Jeremy Erikson
Vadnais Lake Area Water Management Organization:
Nick Voss, Education and Outreach Coordinator
Tyler Thompson, Water Resources & GIS Technician
Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (who operates: Metropolitan Waste Water Treatment Plant)
Linda Henning, Manager, Special Projects
Macalester College:
Suzanne Savanick Hansen, Ph.D., Sustainability Manager (and Sarita Wetland Expert)